Is Chronic Inflammation Silently Harming Your Health? Click to do this 60 second test to find out if it is

Maximised Nutrition owns a Quintron Hydrogen Methane Breath Test Machine.

Click here to join as a practitioner to be able to order a breath test kit for your patient.

Balancing Woman's Hormones for Health

Are your struggling with weight issues, PCOS, Endometriosis, Infertility, pre-menopause or problems around your menstruation? It is likely your hormones out of balance.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D: The Elixir For Life

Are you someone that is prone to getting that cold, flu, or whatever else is going around the community. 

Before popping that pill, it may be wise to get the blood level of Vitamin D tested. 

Biomarkers for Health

A biomarker is a measurement of a something in your body that gives you an indication of what is going on in your body or the problems can arise.

Gut Microbiome, Health and Disease

Gut Microbiome & Human Health

That "Gut Feeling" may after all, be the key to your overall health. Your Gut Microbiome can influence so many factors of your life - how happy you are, if you can lose weight, if you develop chronic infection etc. 

How to Tell if Your Gut Is Healthy

This article highlights some key symptoms that you can monitor to see if you have a healthy gut.

SIBO/IMO/SIFO As A Cause for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Have you tried FODMAP and it has not worked in managing your IBS? It may be SIBO. (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) or IMO (Intestinal Methanogen Overgrowth) or SIFO (Small Intestine Fungal Overgrowth).

Around 65% of IBS are caused by SIBO, IMO or SIFO .The symptoms are similar.

lactose breath test kit

Breath Test for Lactose Fructose

Breath test for lactose and fructose can help verify if you need to go dairy free or if you need to restrict the amount of fruit you eat.

Exercise Before or After Breakfast

What is the best time to exercise? Before or after breakfast.

Now science can show you wen the best time to exercise is.

Preparation for Hydrogen Methane Breath Test

For the breath test to be valid, it is important that you follow the special protocol.



Calprotectin is an inflammatory marker that can show if your intestines are inflammed. High levels are associated with inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn's disease or Ulcerative Colitis.

Bile Acid Diarrhoea

Bile Acid Diarrhoea - as the name suggests- is caused by excessive bile acids in the large intestine. Bile acid is released by the liver into the small intestine to break down fat.

Copper to Zinc Ratio

  A balanced copper to zinc ratio aids with immunity, fights infection, balances hormonal level, regulates inflammatory processes and influences how our body responds to stress.

folate, B12

Vitamin B: Folate/Vitamin B12

While all the vitamin Bs are important, Folate and Vitamin B 12 are essentially more so. They are important for production of red blood cells, and immune cells, repairing of tissues, keeping healthy nerves and synthesizing DNA.



High level of homocysteine is associate with increased risk of artherosclerosis, blood clots, Alzheimer's Disease, dementia, low mood and nerve pain 

C-Reactive Protein

C-reactive protein is made in your liver in response to inflammation. 

A high level of CRP does not show the cause of inflammation or where the inflammation is but that inflammation is present in your body so can help your health provider to develop a management plan.

thyroid gland

Your Thyroid Hormones

Are you feeling sluggish, low in energy, or unable to loose that weight? Do you have cravings for sweet foods? It may be that your thyroid hormones are out of balance.


High level of homocysteine is associate with increased risk of artherosclerosis, blood clots, Alzheimer's Disease, dementia, low mood and nerve pain 

endocannabinoid system

Endocannabinoid System
? Secret to Ageing and Metabolism

Your endocannaboid system can affect all your other hormonal systems. It may hold the secret to ageing and metabolism.

The Silent Pandemic: Prediabetes to Diabetes to Chronic Kidney Disease

Around 20 percent of New Zealanders have pre-diabetes (a higher than normal blood sugar). Of these, 70% will develop diabetes and of the diabetes. Ongoing uncontrolled blood sugar can lead to chronic kidney disease, affecting not only your health but quality of life.

Ketogenic Diet and Cancer

is ketogenic diet better for cancer? Can we starve the cancer? 

This article discusses current research on ketogenic diet and cancer.

endocannabinoid system

Endocannabinoid System: ? Secret to Ageing and Metabolism

Your endocannaboid system can affect all your other hormonal systems. It may hold the secret to ageing and metabolism.